Over thinking

Over the last few days I have received many messages from those of you who know me personally with concerns regarding my well- being. I assume it is because of the nature of the last post, A way out. I assure you that I am well although I can understand how those who self mutilate feel, I have not taken to that method. You can all relax. With it being the last few days of the Holy month of Ramadhaan I have been on a mission to make the most of it. Therefore, there were no posts. It is as simple as that lol.

Many people have shared their stories with me over the past few weeks. Some have told me about their journey’s to self discovery while others explained to me how they could relate to overwhelming emotions and pain that seemed endless but eventually they found it in themselves to overcome these barriers. I think the one conversation that really touched home was one that I had with a teenager. Her words were: at times I feel like there is just so much noise in my head. This is really what got me thinking because there have been times that I have also felt that way. No, it really doesn’t mean we insane or crazy. I said noise not voices. It merely means that our mind’s just don’t know when to shut up. We think and think and before we know it we over think. Many people experience this but they either know how to control it or are really good at hiding it.

This brings me back to the concept of barriers. A barrier is anything that prevents access to something else. When we, the over thinking club, speak about barriers are we referring to our thoughts? So does this make us victims of our thoughts? Are we, rather our thoughts, barring us from our peace? but how does one over come this “over thinking” mentality? because the reality is many a time, we over think things that are really fairly simple and can be sorted out by communication. Like literally pick up the phone and ask the person, ” Hey, do you have a problem with this”. What I’ve realised is that, chances are, it was all in your head and the next person didn’t even notice what you thought was a problem.

I don’t like how the use of the word “victim” makes me feel. Honestly, it makes me think of myself as weak and I may be a lot of things but weak is definitely not one of them. I wonder if these over thinking tendencies stem from lack of self belief because if we truly believe we are enough would there be a need to over think? If you are part of the “over thinking club” then i think maybe you can relate to this post and you fully understand when i say that over thinking leads to assumptions which in turn just creates so many issues.

So here’s to catching ourselves before we over think because I refuse to be a victim of any kind. what about you?

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Here’s to taking control of our minds because ultimately we are the pioneers of our own peace.